ROV intervention

Throughout the years, Deepwave has gained valuable skills and experience in ROV management.

Remotely Operated Vehicles, or ROVs, are underwater robots that allow operation above the water’s surface. ROVs connect to the topside via an umbilical link that houses communications cables, an energy source, and information transfer.

Deepwave specialises in Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) services for shallow and deep-water industrial projects. The company offers a broad spectrum of services that contribute to IMR or construction projects across the world, on-board third-party ships.

We strive for professional excellence to guarantee a high quality of services, taking time to understand the Customer’s requirements, individually tailoring the offer to specifications, and continuously adapting our human and technical capabilities. Oil and gas or data-cable companies have subsea assets such as rigs, wellheads, jumpers, manifolds, pipelines, flow lines, control umbilicals, beacons, connectors, cables, anchors, moorings, and buoys.

We provide the following ROV services to work on these assets: Survey (Visual or Electromagnetic) of assets during lay, life-span or removal, IMR (Inspection, Maintenance, Repair), Production system maintenance and repair, Metrology, Assistance to human diving operations, Drill support activities, BOP assistance and emergency response, Decommissioning.

ROV inspection

Deepwave has an impressive track record of more than 7,000 hours of ROV Operations, 800 km pipeline inspection, and over 20 diving projects successfully performed.

We are also able to provide ROV services to other operators, such as ship owners, port authorities, river, and canal authorities, renewable energy operators. We ensure that the work is carried out safely, following best practices in the ROV industry, taking into account local conditions and circumstances.

The company operates under IMCA and QMS standards with accreditations for ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. The overall coordination of the ROV services, quality, crewing, maintenance supervision, logistical support, and HSE engineering and management, is received from the head office in Chiasso, Switzerland.

contact us

With technical and commercial responsiveness, Deepwave is happy to receive your enquiry and reply in the shortest lead time.