saturation diving
Saturation Diving allows divers to work and live in a hyperbaric environment reducing the need for decompression at the end of every dive and allowing them to decompress once at the end of their rotation.
The principle of Saturation Diving applies at depths from 16-350 msw, where divers can work for up to 8 hours each 24 hours, maximising on available resources for the completion of project tasks.
Deepwave owns and operates Saturation Diving systems. These so-called SAT-systems allow our divers to undertake subsea surveys, construction works, inspections, maintenance, and repair in up to 300 m water depth. Our saturation systems are portable with modular system components and effectively transported by land, sea, or air.
The SAT-systems accompany versatile launch configurations, effectively minimising their required footprint area. It also makes them efficient for compact deck requirements or installations inside buildings with limited or challenging space. Our systems are full IMCA-compliant and ABS-classed.
air diving
All Deepwave equipment is designed and maintained in compliance with IMCA guidelines and industry best practices. The result is unparalleled safety for our divers and exceptional reliability for our clients.
For both inshore marine civils and offshore support including: Surface supplied mixed gas diving, Nitrox Diving, Air Diving, Surface Decompresion.
Deepwave’s Surface-Supplied Diving System (SSDS) is a diving system using its Launching & Recovery System (LARS) to deliver divers safely into the water. The equipment supplies breathing gas using a diver’s umbilical from the surface through a Control Van (CV), either from the shore or from a diving support vessel.
It provides significantly larger breathing gas supplies, lowering the risk of drowning and allowing more extended working periods and safer decompression. An SSDS has an exclusive Decompression Chamber, which enables emergency decompression when needed on vessels and sites.
subsea inspection
Deepwave operates as a worldwide underwater service contractor and as per IMCA standards for Surface Supplied Diving, Saturation Diving and ROV Operations, and Survey.
Deepwave has a team of specialists performing structural inspections, repair, risk analysis, environmental, and security area plan assessment on dams and lagoons.
contact us
With technical and commercial responsiveness, Deepwave is happy to receive your enquiry and reply in the shortest lead time.